Triple your options

Triple your options with #Valplast……..#FlexiblePartials blend in well with the natural appearance of your #gums, making the partial virtually invisible. The plastic has almost a chameleon effect, it is so strong that the parts can be made very thin and so picks up the characteristics of the underlying tissue. We offer #Valplast (upgrade from cast metal to a metal-free removable denture), #ValplastwithVitalliumSubframe (extra strength in extended edentulous areas), #ValplastwithPortraitIPNTeeth (Choose your smile for the most esthetic option). Give us a call #508-756-5141 for your next appointment and know more about #Valplast with Dr. #NikhilPatelDMD in #Worcester #MA.

Dr. Patel Nikhil Patel, DMD Dentist

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