Teeth Whitening Treatment w/ #NikhilMPatelDMD #Worcester MA

#ToothWhitening lightens teeth and helps to remove #stains and #discoloration. Whitening is among the most popular #cosmeticdentalprocedures because it can greatly improve how your teeth look. #TeethWhitening is not a one-time procedure. It will need to be repeated from time to time if you want to maintain the brighter color. #VitalWhitening is performed on teeth that have live nerves. #NonVitalWhitening is done on a tooth that has had #rootcanaltreatment and no longer has a live nerve. Call #508-756-5141 #NikhilMPatelDMD #Worcester, #MA today!!

Dr. Patel Nikhil Patel, DMD Dentist

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