Enter the New Year with a New Smile
As you get ready for the new year, add a new smile to your "To-do" list. This is a wonderful chance to make use of all your insurance benefits before the year ends.
#Halitosis or #BadBreath most often comes from a #lack of a complete#oralcareroutine resulting in a build-up of #plaquebacteria around the gum line and back of the tongue. Other causes includes #TobaccoUse#DryMouth #DietaryChoices, a buildup of bacteria while #sleeping,#stress, and #dehydration. The best way to #improvebadbreath is to follow a thorough #oralcareroutine including #twiceadaily #toothbrushingand #dailyflossing and good choice of #food & #drinks. Call us #508-756-5141 and know more tips from Dr.#NikhilPatelDMD at our office. New Client Specials!!! New Client Referrals Awards!! @ #Worcester #MA.