New Client Specials!! New Client Referrals Awards!! w/@ Nikhil M Patel, D.M.D Worcester MA

#RegularDentalCare is recommended because of the small amount of time it takes for bacteria to invade the mouth. Follow Some #Tips:#BrushWithTheRadioOn, #UseFluoridatedToothpastes, and #mouthwash,#KeepOralHygieneProductsAtwork, #AvoidingCaffeine before a#dentalappointment can make you less anxious, Talk to your #dentist about your specific fears. We are offering #Discount up to 25% off for all#NewClients!!!!!! Call #NikhilPatelDMD #Worcester #MA #508-756-5141. Don't' Wait, Get Yourself the Well Deserved Best Dentist.

Dr. Patel Nikhil Patel, DMD Dentist

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