Life is too SHORT, enjoy it without SENSITIVE TEETH.

Sensitive Teeth ?

Do you get zing while brushing and flossing or while drinking or eating food? If yes, then you may have sensitive teeth.

One in five adults suffer from sensitive teeth and is most common between ages of 25 to 30.

About 48 % of population experiencing sensitivity on their teeth at least once a month with any drink or food. 

About 37 % of population feels sensitivity once a week when they eat or drink.

Most common causes of teeth sensitivity is hard bristle tooth brush, brusing too hard, irregular flossing, cavities, gum disease, acidic food, grinding or cleching teeth etc.

Are you one of those people who has to compromise with your dietary habit to prevent sensitivy ?

Sometime you can prevent teeth sensitivity by some small changes like using tooth paste for sensitive teeth.

Maintaining good oral hygiene with brushing and flossing will also minimize teeth sensitivy.

Visit your dentist regurlary for complete oral and cancer examination that will help you to prevent major issues in the future.

RDA Tanya Tran Registered Dental Assistant

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