Is your mouth getting dry easily? At our Worcester, MA office we can help you.

Lots of time dry mouth is associated with the medicine you take to fix other problems like asthama, allergies, mental health issues. Mouth breather also gets dry mouth easily. Dry mouth can cause cavities, infection and gum disease.
How To Prevent Dry Mouth or Xerostomia.
If you have been experiencing dry mouth, oral rinse such as Biotene can be helpful. Biotene is easy to use. Swish a small amount in your mouth for 30 seconds,then spit out. Another way to prevent dry mouth is to avoid breathing through your mouth and Instead try breathing out of your nose more often.
Drink More Water
Drinking more water helps you stay hydrated and your mouth is less likely to get dry. Try to sip water throughout the day frequently. Avoid caffine and acohol use. These type of drinks can increase chances of dry mouth. Excessive intake of sweets and smoking can also increase or cause dry mouth.
Regular Dental Visit
A dental team may not be able to cure your dry mouth. There are plenty of other things a dentist or hygienist can help with preventing dental decay. By going to your dental visits regurarly, your dentist can detect any early signs of dental decay or any other dental problems. Any dental problems are best treated while it's still small and savageble. Please call or text us at 508-756-5141 to schedule an appointment for our dental office in Worcester, MA.
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