How to prevent toddler tooth decay??

Toddlers can start to develop tooth decay as soon as the first tooth surfaces, a milestone that occurs at around six months of age. Regular Dental Visits No Later Than their1st Birthday…..Why?? To avoid your child's risk for #cavities discuss certain habits, such as #thumbsuckingand #pacifieruse. Stop bringing a bottle to bed and keep away drinks that contain sugar. Baby teeth play an important role in helping your child bite, chew food and speak properly. Take good care of child’s baby teeth. Bring in your child for today and ensure their good dental health. #CUSTOMMADEREFERRALS #SPECIALDENTALOFFERS

Call us NOW #508-756-5141. Book your Appointment NOW.#NikhilPatelDMD #Worcester #MA.

Dr. Patel Nikhil Patel, DMD Dentist

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