How Laser Dentistry Is taking Over at our Worcester MA dental office

Laser technology has become a famous tool in the field of dentistry. It reduces or eliminates the use of local anesthetic as it offers a painless, quicker, and efficient procedure. It helps to get a precise and less invasive dental procedure.
Treatments using laser technology:
- Restorations (fillings)
- Root canals
- Teeth whitenings
- Reshaping the gums
- Removing lesions
- Treating tongue ties, lip ties, ulcers
And so much more...
How does it work:
The laser releases light energy that makes a reaction when it hits a tissue, allowing it to be reshaped or removed.
For the use of teeth whitening: Laser acts as a heat source to activate the peroxide, bleaching solution placed on the teeth, speeding up the process.
Sterilization: The laser kills bacteria by breaking proteins, vital for the organism's survival.
Less Pain: Unlike drills, laser technology (like WaterLase iPlus laser) makes cuts without contact to the tissue. This prevents tension and friction on the tissue. The laser energy also temporarily close ion channels to stop traveling of impulse from the pain site to the brain. Therefore, pain will not be perceived.
Note: Laser eliminates the use of local anesthetic in most cases.
At our Worcester, MA dental clinic, Dr. Patel is has been using dental laser for more than 20 years.
Ask your dentist about the use of laser technology in your treatment today!
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