Fight your dry mouth issues with #NikhilPatelDMD #Worcester #MA

#DryMouth is that uncomfortable feeling you get when you're not generating enough saliva to meet your needs. When your mouth fails to produce enough saliva, you will find yourself with more problems than just being thirsty such as #tongueburn, #badbreath etc. Fight your dry mouth by #drinkingmorewater, #consultingyourdentist, and #takingprecautionsontime. Give us a call #508-756-5141 and book your appointment now.
#TeethWhitening #BridgesandCrowns #RootCanalTreatment #DentalFillings #DentalCheckups #ReconstructiveDentistry #LaserDentistry

Dr. Patel Nikhil Patel, DMD Dentist

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