Don't let bad breath come between you and your loved ones !!!

If you are one of many people who suffers from bad breath please use following methods to keep bad breath away.

Visit your dentist regularly that allows your dentist early detection of cavities , gum disease,cancer and other silent diseases. Untreated cavaties leaky fillings and inflammed gums are one of the major cause of bad odour. 

Brush and floss daily. By brushing and flossing you are removing bacteria that will help to avoid bad ordor from your mouth.

Clean your tongue daily with tongue scraper or tooth brush.

Use mouth wash.

Stay hydrated. Dry mouth will also give you bad breath.

If you have dentures, please clean your dentures reguraly, keep them out of mouth at night and brush them in the morning before you put them in your mouth.

If you are smoker, quit smoking will help you to eliminate bad smell from your mouth.

Avoid breath offending food like onion, garlic etc

Control your sugar level, if you are diabetic.

Control your acid reflex with medicine and get medical advise from your physician.

Dr. Patel Nikhil Patel, DMD Dentist

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