Covid-19  Pandemic

Why does it call Coronavirus?

It's called Coronavirus as it has distinctive crown-like spikes on it's surface.

Common signs of Covid-19 infection:


Breathing difficulties or shortness in breathing.


Pneumonia, Acute respiratory syndrome, Kidney failure and even death, in severe cases.

How to prevent spread of the coronavirus?

Avoid close contact. Keep social gathering distance at least 6 feet.

Avoid touching your Mouth, Eyes, and Nose.

Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.

Wash your hand with soap and water atleast 20 seconds.

Drink plenty of fluids.

Thouroughly cooking meat and eggs.

Eat healthy food.

Get plenty of sleep.

Be physically active.

Clean and disinfect hard surfaces more frequently.

Don't stock up on toilet paper as it has nothing to do wth this virus.

If you have visted or came in contact with the peson who has visited China, Italy or affected areas, isolate yourself at your home for 14 days.


Dr. Patel Nikhil Patel, DMD Dentist

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